Among the animal bones found at the rockshelter Kleidi,
we have identified: chamois (Capra ibex, Rupicapra rupicapra),
a beaver (Castor fiber), deer (Dama dama, Cervus elaphus),
a cave lion (Felis spelaea), a lynx (Felix lynx), a wolf
(Canis vulpus), a weasel (Martes martes) and a badger
(Meles meles). A small amount of bird bones, fish vertebrae and
sea shell was also unearthed. From these finds it has been concluded
that the inhabitants of the rockshelter obtained their food almost exclusively
from hunting in the restricted area of Voidomatis valley. The range
of their movements has been confirmed from the finds of marine shells
at Kleidi.
The site of Kleidi is part of the wider paleoenvironment of the Voidomatis
valley and provides important information on the economic exploitation
of the region. During the 14th millenium BP, the rockshelters of Boila
and Megalakkos were in use as well. However it appears that Kleidi was
the centre of economic activity for the period 16,000-13,000 BP.