The subject of the east pediment is the birth of
Athena. All that is left are the figures at the two ends,
and a torso, usually identified with Poseidon. This makes reconstruction of the
scene far from easy. The most generally accepted
reconstitution is the so-called 'Bale'
solution. In the centre was Zeus, with Athena to
his left and Poseidon behind him. On his right stood Hera
(or Hestia), with Hephaestus behind her. The two
chariots proposed in this reconstitution do not seem to
be essential: in one of them, hypothetically, would have
been Ares and Iris, and in the other, Hermes and
Amphitrite. Three female figures (identified as
Eilythyia, and Demeter and Persephone) and one male
figure (identified as Dionysus) survive on the right
half-tympanum. |