Lysias and his brother were two of an elite group of
Athenians who left for Athens' new colony of Thurii.
Others were Herodotus and Protagoras. Lysias was to
remain at Thurii for twenty years, leaving only after
the Sicilian catastrophe. On his return to Athens, he and
his brothers continued, despite the political situation,
to do well financially, by running a shield factory. When
the Thirty Tyrants seized power, Lysias' brother was put
to death and Lysias himself fled for his life to Megara.
Here he was able to assist Thrasybulus and the Athenians
in exile in their struggle to restore democracy at
Athens, providing them with money and a fair number of
shields. Thrasybulus tabled a motion that Lysias should
receive the honorary rank of Athenian citizen, but this
was rejected and Lysias remained isoteles ('a
metic taxed on a par with true citizens') until his death
in 380. |