Ίδρυμα Μείζονος Ελληνισμού

If you have reached this page, your computer is not optimized for the Internet. Follow these instructions.


The website "Towards the Greek Revolution" is designed for Netscape Navigator 3 or a recent edition and Microsoft Internet Explorer. The use of a previous edition reduces your potentials. We recommend an upgrade.


If your computer displays 256 or less colours, the graphics' quality is undermined. Modern computers can display thousands or million different colours. You need to adjust the settings. Consult your computer's manual.


The navigation window should be at least 800x600 pixel. If it is smaller, and a horizontal scroll bar appears make it larger. All modern computers can support such an analysis. Consult your computer's manual.


You have to install Greek fonts and select from the browser's menu Greek ISO-8859-7. Otherwise try ELOT-928 or Windows-1253. For Netscape 4 users: Select View, then Encoding. If you still cannot read Greek, check the Cascade Style Sheets settings. You can solve this problem by clicking on Reload or Refresh .


Javascript offers great opportunities to web designers. Most sites apply Javascript for the aesthetics but this particular site demands Javascript for the navigation.
For Netscape 4, go to menu Edit, choose Preferences, then Advanced, and click on the Enable Javascript. (Also click on the Enable style sheets).
For Internet Explorer 4 or 5, open the window Internet options (from the menu Tools for IE5, or from menu View for IE4). Choose Security, and then Custom. Choose Scripting among the offered options and then Active Scripting. Choose Enable.

Cascade Style Sheets

Cascade Style Sheets (CSS) allow improved web designing. "Towards the Greek Revolution" uses this technology, which is not however necessary for the navigation. If you use Netscape 4 and wish to activate CSS, go to menu Edit, select Preferences, then Advanced, and check on Enable Javascript and Enable style sheets.
CSS could cause problems to the appearance of Greek fonts. If such a problem arises in Netscape 4, go to menu Edit, choose Preferences, then Fonts, and click on Disable dynamic fonts.

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'Towards the Greek Revolution'