Ετήσια Έκδοση του Ιδρύματος Μείζονος Ελληνισμού για τον Πολιτισμό και την Τεχνολογία
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Author Guidelines

Form of articles: Articles accepted by the journal should be of scientific or academic nature, written in Greek or English and accompanied by a summary of 100 words max. in both languages. The maximum length of the articles should be 45,000 characters for the text and another 25,000 characters for the footnotes and the bibliography. The articles are accepted only in electronic format and should not be published elsewhere.

Bibliography - references: A simple reference system giving the author's surname and the year of publication is preferred. These abbreviated references will be arranged thematically in the bibliography. For further information refer to the journal's website or contact the Editorial Committee.

Photographic material: Pictures or photographs should be submitted with the article and will be returned after publication. Pictures in digital form should be of high resolution (300 dpi). The licence for using these pictures is the responsibility of the writer.

Articles submitted to the journal are the intellectual property of the writer. The writer is responsible for checking the translation and the copyright of any article he or she publishes in the journal. Translations or reprints of articles from IMEros should refer to the original publication.

Articles should be submitted to:
IMEROS Journal
Foundation of the Hellenic World
38 Poulopoulou Str., 118 51 Athens, Greece

The may also be submitted by e-mail to:

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