TEAM OF CONTRIBUTORSFor the creation of the electronic pages on the unity: "Greece in the period 1923-1945" the following contributors of FHW have participated:
Vlahos Angelos, research and text writing. Gliva Kalliope, text editing. Kamarinos George, Modern Period team Leader, organization, planning, and programming. Kaphetzaki Tonia, text writing. Korobli Panagiota, copyrights manager. Rovithi Chara,, research and text writing. Papaspyrou Maira, graphic design and image processing. Hatzis Elias, Head of Internet Applications Department. Efraimoglou Dimitris, Head of the Systems and Interaractive Applications Department. Ferla Kleopatra, Consultant to the President on History matters.
For allowing us to use images we would like to thank the following institutions and persons: