The period of Justinian's reign
Justinian's long reign saw a series of military
campaigns a t
both extremes of the empire, aiming to recover the west from
the Goths and defend the east from the Persians. The Vandal
kingdom of North Africa was conquered by general
Belisarios in
less than two years (532-534). In Italy, a first campaign
by the same general (535-540) ended with the capture of Ravenna,
the Ostrogothic capital. Between 542 and 552, Belisarios and
Narses restored
the Byzantine dominion in Italy. The conquest of Spain took
place in 551 with the help of the Visigoth king himself. Finally,
in 561, the Persian threat at the eastern frontier was dealt
with by treaty for which the Byzantines payed annual tribute.
Justinian's legal reforms included the consolidation
of earlier codes and their pruning of obsolete and constradictory
matter. The resulting Codex Justinianus, published in 529
(and again in 534), was supplemented by the Digesta (Pandektai),
a fifty-volume collection of ancient law (533). Moreover,
between 534 and 542, a series of edicts (Novellae), written
in Greek, attempted to curb corruption, limit the powers of
rich landowners, and revise the taxation system to meet the
costs of expansion and reorganisation.
Not all of Justinian's reforms were popular. His attempt to
restrict the public sector met with civil protest, which culminated
in the 532
Nika revolt and attempted usurpation by emperor
relatives. For many days the rioters vandalized the capital,
before they were bloodily suppressed inside the Hippodrome.
Like most emperors since Constantine, Justinian was
actively involved with ecclesiastical affairs, his policy
being mainly one of reconciliation between orthodoxy and
He was also a significant patron of architecture, having ordered
the construction and restoration of numerous churches, monasteries,
palaces, fortifications, aqueducts, and other amenities, in
both the capital and the provinces (for which
Prokopios gives
extensive accounts). When the Nika riot left a substantial
part of Constantinople in ashes, Justinian replaced the old
basilica of St Sophia by a magnificent new church (inaugurated
in 537), a symbol to this day of the Justinianic era.
The age of Justinian is justly regarded as the final
stage of the old order before massive loss of territory and
other calamities. The Great Plague of 542 killed hundreds
of thousands throughout the empire, depriving the state of
invaluable tax payers and soldiers. The costly territorial
expansion further drained the financial ressources that were
necessary to sustain its size and administration network.
As a result, Justinian's vision was short-lived. His successors
in the late sixth and early seventh centuries were unable
to hold back the attacks that came from several fronts: the
Persians moved into Syria, Palestine, and Egypt; much of Italy
was once again lost, to the Lombards this time; Slavs and
Avars invaded the Balkans. There was a brief recovery under
Herakleios (610-641),
whose campaigns against the Persians were ultimately successful,
but by the seventh century the weakened empire was prey to
the Arabs.