

Rebellions in the Greek troop in April 1944
With the deterioration of the conflict between ELAS and EDES in the Greek territory, and the parallel battle between EAM and the exiled government for the future of postwar Greece, these political cracks were extended to the Greek armed forces in North Africa. The rebellions of April 1944 began when a section of the Greek armed forces in Africa questioned the legitimacy of the exiled government. Such a challenge proved that the wider conflict between the official Greek political leadership and the PEEA was not limited to the highest echelons of the political hierarchy but had spread in all sections of the Greek population.
Inevitably, both the Greek exiled government and the British officials insisted upon the exemplary punishment of those involved in the rebellions. However, the death penalties imposed upon the culprits and the cleansing of the armed forces by those individuals sympathetic to EAM aggravated, instead of alleviating, the political problem.