The study and periodisation of the Greek interwar years cannot pursue staunchly the basic trends adopted by the international historiography in the study of the most important European economies of that period. Several are the reasons for that particularity, but the most important ones are the following: firstly, the researcher of the Greek case is obliged to give special emphasis on the procedures of resolution of the agrarian problem through the distribution of large landed properties, which started during the War (1914-18) and escalated after 1922 with the arrival of the Asia Minor refugees. On the contrary, in the industrial European countries, issues concerning land owning had been resolved long ago. Secondly, the starting point of the Greek interwar period is not the end of World War I, 1918, a year that has been determined as the beginning of the European interwar period, but 1922, termination year of the Greek operation in Asia Minor and beginning of a new era for the Greek economy.
The period 1922-27 was marked by the destabilising repercussions of the refugee problem and by the downward trend of the drachma. On the other hand, between 1927 and 1932 the country had entered a course of recovery and currency stabilisation. The international economic crisis of 1929 affected Greece too a few years later and in 1932 led the Venizelos government to take measures of protectionism and boosting of the domestic market. From 1936 to 1940 the Ioannis Metaxas dictatorship intensified state planning on the economy front, preparing Greece at the same time on the military front for the new major worldwide clash that was approaching menacingly.