The IMEros journal is an annual publication produced by the
Foundation of the Hellenic World (FHW). Its aim is twofold: to
stimulate the theoretical study of the problems and opportunities
arising from the interaction between the humanities (mainly archaeology,
history and museology) with multimedia and the new technologies
(primarily the Internet, electronic publishing, 3D representations and
virtual reality); and, by expressing the issues, propositions and
concerns that such debate engenders, to highlight the theoretical and
scientific basis of the projects realised at FHW and to support the
special scientific and academic interests of its staff.
IMEros will thus cover issues relating to
- cultural information as an object of electronic development and dissemination
- the application, visualisation and restructuring of cultural information
- educational and museological electronic applications as they relate to cultural information.
Also included in the journal are articles of purely historical or
technological interest relating to history, archaeology, art and new
technological applications.
IMEros welcomes any contribution that falls within the
above thematic framework.
Future isues of IMEros will follow specific themes and
will, additionally, include short web catalogues on such subjects as
history, archaeology, and the management of cultural heritage, and,
occasionally, short monographs (published as supplements) and reports of
conferences organised by FHW.
The first issue of IMEros consists exclusively of articles
by FHW staff. As the reader will discover, some articles follow the
thematic framework of IMEros. Mitsos Bilalis (Studying on the
screen: Interactive technologies and historians' educational practices,
1994-99) describes the recent use and results of multimedia in the
academic education of historians; Maria Roussou (High-end interactive
media in the museum) raises the issue of using interactive media in
museology; and Vangelis Christodoulou (3D monument reconstruction and
its reception by a varied audience) investigates the means of
processing digital 3D representations of archaeological monuments and sites.
The rest of the articles are related to historical and archaeological
issues from antiquity to the present day: Lila Patsiadou (The
Coroplast's art in Boeotia in the Classical Period [475-330 b.c.])
and Aphrodite Kamara (Speaking in Greek; The use of the Greek
language in the "Dead Cities" of Northern Syria in Late
Antiquity) refer to issues of classical archaeology and ancient
history respectively; Vasilis Siametis (The katholikon of the
monastery of Ayia Paraskevi at Monodendri: the second phase of the
painting [1689]) investigates some of the historical issues of
post-Byzantine art; Eleni Gara (Murderers and judges in Ottoman Veria
[Kara Ferye]) and Seyyed Mohammad T. Shariat-Panahi (Taxation in
the kaza of Selanik [Salonica], 1768-1770) raise some of the
historical issues of the Ottoman period, whereas Antonios Anastasopoulos
(The Ottoman court registers [ser'iye sicilleri] of Veria:
classification problems) deals with an important section of Ottoman
archival sources. Yorgos Tzedopoulos (The incorporation of the
Rebellion of the Popolari into Greek national history) and Aimilia
Salvanou (The structure of relation in the "Karlakohori"
village of Corfu: billinearity and preservation of patrilinear elements)
investigate the phenomena of Neo-Hellenic ideology and society from the
viewpoint of history and social anthropology respectively. Finally,
Mitsos Bilalis and Athanasios Sideris close the first issue of IMEros
with catalogues of electronic addresses relating to history and
classical studies on the Internet.
The discrepancy between the declared thematic framework of IMEros
and the articles presented in this first issue reflects the variety of
interests and the range of expertise of the current staff of FHW, and,
at the same time suggests the form future editions of IMEros
will follow.
The Editorial Committee