Paper Sessions
Papers 1: “Teaching and Learning”
- Julià Minguillón, Web and education, a successful open entanglement [Abstract]
- Thanassis Tiropanis, Hugh Davis, David Millard and Mark Weal. Semantic Technologies for Learning and Teaching in the Web 2.0 era – A survey [Abstract]
- Carl Lagoze, The oreChem Project: Integrating Chemistry Scholarship with the Semantic Web [Abstract]
Papers 2: “Trust and Distrust”
-David Karpf, Why Bowl Alone When You Can Flashmob the Bowling Alley?: Implications of the Mobile Web for Online-Offline Reputation Systems [Abstract]
- Patricia Victor, Chris Cornelis, Martine De Cock and Ankur Teredesai, Trust- and Distrust-Based Recommendations for Controversial Items [Abstract]
- Kieron O’Hara and David Stevens, The Devil’s Long Tail: Religious Moderation and Extremism on the Web [Abstract]
Papers 3: “Openness vs. Control”
- Alison Powell, Lessons from the Net Neutrality Lobby: Balancing openness and control in a networked society [Abstract]
- Inma Rodríguez-Ardura, Francisco J. Martínez-López and Paula Luna, The consumer and the Web: a critical revision of the contributions to Web science from the marketing and the consumer behaviour discipline [Abstract]
- Sadie Creese and Koen Lamberts, Can cognitive science help us make information risk more tangible online? [Abstract]
- Wolf Richter, Designing effective regulation for the "Dark side" of the Web [Abstract]
Papers 4: “Tags and Search”
- Ching Man Au Yeung, Michael Noll, Nicholas Gibbins, Christoph Meinel and Nigel Shadbolt, On Measuring Expertise in Collaborative Tagging Systems [Abstract]
- Gavin Smith and Helen Ashman, Evaluating implicit judgements from Image search interactions [Abstract]
Lorraine Warren. Ephemeral emergents and anticipation in online connected creativity [Abstract]
- Alexandre Passant, Matthias Samwald, John Breslin and Stefan Decker, Federating Distributed Social Data to Build an Interlinked Online Information Society [Abstract]
Papers 5: “Social Networks”
- Milena Mihail, Yorgos Amanatidis and Stephen Young, Kernel Models For Complex Networks [Abstract]
- Jean Burgess and Joshua Green, Making Sense of YouTube: The Challenges of Complexity and Scale [Abstract]
- Lei Zhang and Wanqing Tu, Six Degrees of Separation in Online Society [Abstract]
- Barbie Clarke, BFFE (Be Friends Forever): the way in which young adolescents are using social networking sites to maintain friendships and explore identity [Abstract]
Papers 6: “Web of Data”
- Yuzhong Qu, Weiyi Ge, Gong Cheng and Zhiqiang Gao, Class Association Structure Derived From Linked Objects [Abstract]
- Harry Halpin, Social Meaning on the Web: From Wittgenstein To Search Engines [Abstract]
- Lynda Hardman, Jacco van Ossenbruggen and Raphael Troncy, Interactive Information Access on the Web of Data [Abstract]
- Mathias Schindler and Denny Vrandecic, Introducing new features to Wikipedia - Case studies for Web science [Abstract]
Papers 7: “Government, Citizens, Law and the Web”
- Albert Batlle, Ana Waksberg and Eduard Aibar, Is web-based interaction reshaping the organizational dynamics of public administration?: A comparative empirical study on eGovernment [Abstract]
- Ethan Katsh, Online Dispute Resolution: Designing new Legal Processes for Cyberspace [Abstract]
- Helen Margetts and Peter John, Experiments for Web Science: Examining the Effect of the Internet on Collective Action [Abstract]
Papers 8: “Life On-line”
- Jonathon Hare, Adrian Osmond, Yang Yang, Gary Wills, David De Roure, Judith Joseph, Lucy Yardley and Mark Weal, LifeGuide: A platform for performing web-based behavioural interventions [Abstract]
- Michel van Eeten and Johannes Bauer, Securing Cyberspace: Realigning Economic Incentives in the ICT Value Net [Abstract]
- Leslie Carr and Stevan Harnad, Cognition, Cognitive Technology and the Web [Abstract]